In the background: AS DBT Terminal in the port of Muuga, Estonia
Development, design, and construction of dome structures
We implement projects in Russia, CIS countries, Europe, and Asia
About us
The team of LLC "BALTTERMINALSTROY" has been engaged in the development, design, expertise approval, and construction of reinforced concrete dome structures of various capacities since 2000.

These structures are designed for the storage and transshipment of all types of bulk cargoes.
Our Services
We professionally execute tasks related to the construction, reinforcement, and shotcreting of reinforced concrete dome warehouses, including the timely supply of specialized equipment and materials.
We carry out conceptual pre-project developments for new terminals and warehouse complexes, analyze and evaluate the development of existing facilities, including architectural design and detailed technical parameter refinement.
Pre-project developments
We skillfully perform tasks related to the development of sections in the project documentation, such as "Architectural Solutions" (AS), "Structural Solutions" (SS), and sections of working documentation, including "Architectural-Construction Solutions" (ACS), "Reinforced Concrete Structures" (RCS), and "Metal Structures" (MS) for dome warehouses in accordance with legislative requirements.
Project design
Tilda Publishing
Completed projects
Mineral Fertilizer Terminal
2023 - a complex of domes with a total capacity
Urea Granulation Production
2022 - dome warehouse with a vibrofloor with a capacity of 30,000 tons
Mineral Fertilizer Terminal
2021 - a complex of dome warehouses with a total capacity of 1 million tons
Urea Granulation Plant
2019 - dome warehouse with a capacity of 15,000 tons
Mineral Fertilizer Terminal
2013 - Complex in the territory of the Muuga port, Tallinn
Seaport Bulk Cargo Terminal
2021 - a complex of 8 domes with a total capacity
2015 - dome structure (diameter 70 m, height 28 m)
2014 - Complex of 23 interconnected dome structures
2016 - 11 dome structures (diameter 11.5 m, height 5.5 m)
Cement Clinker Silos
2012 - 2 silos, each with a capacity of 125,000 tons (diameter 64 m, height 47 m)
AS DBT / PJSC 'Akron' (Estonia)
Mineral Fertilizer Terminal
2013 - Complex on the territory of the Muuga port, Tallinn.
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LLC 'Ultramar' (Ust-Luga)
Mineral Fertilizer Terminal
2021 - a complex of dome warehouses with a total capacity of 1 million tons.
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PJSC 'Akron' (Veliky Novgorod)
Urea Granulation Plant
2019 - dome warehouse with a capacity of 15,000 tons.
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PJSC 'Akron' (Veliky Novgorod)
Urea Granulation Production
2022 - dome warehouse with a vibrofloor with a capacity of 30,000 tons.
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MCC 'EuroChem' (Ust-Luga)
Mineral Fertilizer Terminal
2023 - a complex of domes with a total capacity
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Baseball Stadium (Taiwan)
International Baseball Stadium
2015 - construction of a dome structure (diameter 70 m, height 28 m)
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Seaport (Murmansk)
Seaport Bulk Cargo Terminal
2021 - a complex of 8 domes with a total capacity
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Cement Plant (Poland)
Cement Clinker Silos
2012 - construction of 2 silos, each with a capacity of 125,000 tons (diameter 64 m, height 47 m)
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Agriculture (Poland)
2016 - 11 dome structures (diameter 11.5 m, height 5.5 m)
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Commercial Real Estate (Spain)
Commercial Real Estate
2014 - a complex of 23 interconnected dome structures.
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The high business reputation, qualification, and professionalism of our team are continuously confirmed by our respected clients. Thank you for your trust!
Tilda Publishing
• The strongest and most durable warehouse structures.
• Short construction times and costs 30% lower than typical warehouse structures.
• Large capacity, internal space without intermediate supports.
• Waterproof, no condensation, environmentally friendly cargo storage and transshipment.
• No snow loads, reduced wind loads, and high seismic resistance.
Learn more about the technology of constructing dome reinforced concrete structures
Advantages of dome warehouses
Мы гордимся нашим обширным опытом и накопленными знаниями в области технологии строительства купольных сооружений. Наши специалисты расскажут вам о передовых методах проектирования, применяемых материалах и инновационных подходах, которые делают наши проекты надежными, эффективными и устойчивыми к различным условиям.

Мы также подчеркнем важность индивидуального подхода к каждому проекту, чтобы удовлетворить уникальные потребности и требования клиента, и обеспечить успешное завершение каждого проекта в срок и в рамках бюджета.
Узнай больше о технологии строительства купольных сооружений, от фундамента, аэроформы, торктер-бетона до эксплатуционных свойств, параметров наполнения, стоимости и сроков.
The strongest and most durable warehouse structures.
Short construction times and large capacity.
Costs 30% less than typical warehouse structures.
Internal space without intermediate supports.
Waterproof, no condensation.
Environmental friendliness in cargo storage and transshipment.
No snow or wind loads.
High seismic resistance.
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INN: 7811580098
KPP: 781601001"
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Phone: +7 (931) 210-60-52
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